Don Farole

Yesterday brought awful news: Don Farole of the Bureau of Justice Statistics has passed away. A PhD in political science, Don worked at the Center for Court Innovation as a researcher up until a couple of years ago. I will remember Don for many things, not least of which was his remarkable productivity. A quick review of all of the documents that Don wrote for us reveals a number of important intellectual contributions to the field of criminal justice. My personal favorites include Avoiding Failures of Implementation, Applying the Problem-Solving Model Outside of Problem-Solving Courts, and the Harlem Parole Reentry Court Evaluation. Although, truth be told, everything that Don worked on was first-rate. He was a clear thinker and a sharp writer -- two qualities that are perpetually in short supply.

But as anyone who knew him can attest, Don was more than a workhorse -- he was a fundamentally good guy. He had a dry sense of humor and a sly smile that always seemed to suggest that he was one step ahead of the conversation. I know I speak for lots of folks, not just here at the Center but throughout the field of criminal justice, when I say that Don will be missed.

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