Crime, Non-profit Managment, and Peter Drucker
At the end of last week, I sat down for an interview with Winfried Weber, a professor at Mannheim University in Germany and the editor of Peter F. Drucker's Next Management, a book that I contributed a chapter to a couple of years back. Weber is working on a new project on non-profit management. I spent some time with him describing how the Center for Court Innovation thinks about reforming the justice system and the ways in which its status as a non-profit organization enhances (and, sometimes detracts) from this mission.
By coincidence, last week Claremont's Drucker Institute did a blog posting that attempted to bring Peter Drucker's perspective to the debate about why crime has gone down in the US. (For my take on why crime has declined in New York, check out A Thousand Small Sanities.)
All of this talk of Peter Drucker reminded me of one of my favorite pieces of his: What Business Can Learn From Nonprofits. Apologies if I have already linked to this article, but even after all of these years, I think it is still a healthy reminder that, notwithstanding recent claims to the contrary during the presidential race, the for-profit sector isn't the only place to learn effective management.
Finally, a couple of links:
Temple University obituary for John Goldkamp.
The New York Times covers a mural project co-sponsored by the Brownsville Community Justice Center.