Hank Pirowski, RIP

Earlier today, I received the sad news that Hank Pirowski had passed away after a long illness. Hank was a pioneering figure in New York State. He was an early believer in drug court and played a key role in bringing a number of different problem-solving courts to Buffalo. My favorite project of his was Buffalo's C.O.U.R.T.S program, which helped to inspire our own Bronx Community Solutions.

I wasn't particularly close to Hank -- all told, I probably only spent a few hours in his company. But I think I was one of many who admired him from afar for his creativity and his industry, to say nothing of his quirky sense of humor. My favorite moment with Hank was a lunch we had together a few years back during a visit I made to Buffalo. After a tour of C.O.U.R.T.S, he took me to a local lunch place and graciously shared stories of his brief experience as a player at the Washington Redskins training camp. He will be missed.

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