Good Design

Last night I had the chance to attend the Center for Urban Pedagogy's annual benefit and talk about our collaboration on "I Got Arrested...Now What?", a comic-book guide to the juvenile justice system that is now being distributed throughout New York City by the Department of Probation. For those that don't know CUP, they are a small, Brooklyn-based non-profit that serves as a bridge between the world of art and design and the world of public policy. I think quite highly of them -- they certainly did wonderful work with us.

Amidst all of the praise that I have heaped on our founding director John Feinblatt of late, one of the things that I didn't focus on was his commitment to good design. In the early days of our agency, he sent a clear signal about this by hiring Amanda Burden to think through signage, Alta Indelman to work on various architecture projects, and Pentagram to work on our branding. Since becoming the director of the Center, I've tried to carry forward this value, most recently by engaging Zago to re-engineer our website and Megan McConagha to assist with some of our printed materials.

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